# # ChestSort Default Category File # # If you want to change this file, rename it. # Please do NOT use file prefixed between 900 and 999 for # your custom files because ChestSort will overwrite them # # When sticky is set to true, order the items in this # category exactly as defined in this file. # When set to false, the items are only grouped together # and then sorted according to the other variables # in your sorting-method sticky=false diamond emerald diamond_ore emerald_ore emerald_block iron_ingot iron_ore gold_ingot gold_ore gold_block diamond_block iron_block lapis_lazuli lapis_block lapis_ore obsidian nether_quartz_ore nether_star beacon prismarine_crystals conduit scute elytra enchanted_golden_apple enchanting_table experience_bottle firework_rocket firework_star glowstone* name_tag jukebox golden_apple ender_chest end_crystal end_gateway end_portal_frame end_rod ender_pearl ender_eye *_horse_armor music_disc_* heart_of_the_sea nautilus_shell gold_nugget iron_nugget saddle enchanted_book